Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Years Resolutions

I have never been one to make News Years resolutions. Not sure exactly why, but they have never really enticed me to make a radical change in my life, soon to be broken by not following through once January has passed. I hadn't any intention of making a resolution of any kind. However, at Mass this past Sunday, our priest focused his homily on making time for rest and quiet in this new year, amidst our hectic and hurried lives. He said he was going to make a resolution to spend one quiet hour a week, which he realized was not a great commitment - but he said he was going to start small and not give himself too heavy of a goal that he could not reach. Even God took a full day of rest after creating the heavens and the earth. We, too, need to take this seriously.

This really got me pondering how much quiet time I set aside during any given week for God. I do not mean praying or talking to God, as I do this regularly (especially lately). I mean just simply being in God's presence, quieting oneself and really listening to what it is He is trying to tell me. I am not even sure how to do this. My mom and I were actually talking about this very thing while she was here. Coincidence? I think not. I told her that I don't understand how to be still in contemplation and focus on one word or one prayer or even let go of the thoughts that creep in when I attempt to be "silent." Perhaps I am thinking about this too hard. Perhaps it's simplier that I realize. Perhaps I just need to spend time with Him, and he will help me with rest.

We sang a song in Church on Sunday night, appropriately titled New Year. I had never heard it before, but I found the words speaking to me. With some premonition not my own, I started carrying a small notepad in my purse. I pulled it out in the middle of church and scrawled down the lyrics. I think I needed them as a reminder that God is outside of space and time, makes all things new, brings forth change, and does not fashion fear or doubt.  As I enter this new year, it is my resoultion to take some time each week to usher in silence, to fend off my cluttered and often anxious thoughts, and just simply be with God. It may take some practice, but I know it will change me and help me display the face of His Kingdom.

                                         New Year - by John Bell and Graham Maule

The God of all eternity unbound by space yet always near, is present where his people meet to celebrate the coming year.

What shall we offer God today - our dreams of what we cannot see, or, with eyes fastened to the past, our dread of what is yet to be?

God does not share our doubts and fears, nor shrinks from the unknown or strange: who fashioned heaven and earth makes all things new and ushers change.

Let faith or fortune rise or fall, let dreams and dread both have their day; those who God loves walk unafraid, With Christ their guide and Christ their way.

God grant that we, in this new year, may show the world the Kingdom's face, and let our work and worship thrive as signs of hope and means of grace.

1 comment:

  1. I think you might know that Pat Surlsey was into contemplative prayer. He would often talk to us about it, so we tried a silent contemplative retreat a couple of years ago.
    You are right - it IS hard. Good luck with your resolution.
